The traditional junior weekend is coming and this year we will have it on the last weekend of April on 21.–22.4.2018. The aim of the weekend is to introduce our young members to volunteer activities of Jokioinen Museum Railway. In addition to new junior members also the ones who have already attended the weekend are welcome. The program includes volunteer work suitable for juniors and train and hand car runs. There will be also program for older (15–18 v.) juniors.

Program of the Junior Weekend
Saturday 21.4.2018
- Arrival and introduction to the program at Minkiö station at 10.30
- Introduction to Jokioinen museum railway, handing over the accommodation (if needed a lift from Humppila VR railway station at 11.00 is also possible).
- Lunch
- Work train to santavaihde in Humppila direction and work on the site over there.
- Evening snack out doors ath the Santavaihde camp fire place.
- Evening sauna and barbeque at Minkiö
Sunday 22.4.2018
- Breakfast at 8.30-9.30
- Repairing rolling stock, hand car runs, etc program.
- Lunch
- The program ends at 14.00, but you can stay also longer time
The Museum Railway Association offers breakfast, lunch and evening supper. On Saturday evening there is a barbecue and evening sauna. Take your own bed linen and / or sleeping bag with you together with a towel and lots of positive energy!
The weekend is free for everyone. Membership of the Museum railway Association is not required, so please join us for a wonderful weekend to start a new hobby!
To sign on, please contact Supavit Nummelinille, phone 045 8507797. Please let us know also your special diet and other information we should know.