Museum Railway Association is a Finnish non-profit community focused on preserving narrow-gauge railway tradition. The association has about 880 members from around Finland and abroad. The association's main activities are maintenance and operation of Jokioinen Museum Railway. All activities are entirely based on voluntary work.
Association's activities
Museum Railway Association will publish at least four times per year Resiina magazine. Resiina is Finland's largest railway magazine, which deals much as history as the present and future of the railways.
Museum Railway Association also publishes the Finnish railway books. In addition to publishing sold to the association both domestic and foreign railway literature.
Member Benefits
All the association members are entitled to travel free on Jokioinen Museum Railway. Members also receive generous discounts on products sold in the museum railway and trips organized by the association.
How do I join?
It is easy to join Museum Railway Association! If you want to join, please fill out the membership application form!