The annual spring meeting of the Museum Railway Association was hold in Kiipu Village Hall at Minkiö Station on Saturday 25th of March. There were 26 members of association present at the meeting. In addition to regular points on agenda Tuomas Juhantila was unanimously elected as a new board member.
This election was necessary as the board member Juha-Pekka Viitanen resign last November of his two year term as a board member. Despite electing a new board member the board will be not fully attended as the board member Anne Teirisalo has informed that she will not be anymore available as a board member. Her turn would have ended by the end of this year and the seat will be filled in annual autumn meeting in November.
Tuomas Juhantila who was now elected as part of the board is representing a new younger generation. Tuomas is 18 years old graduate of college from Salo and already in charge of the Junior activities at the Jokioinen Museum Railway. He has been for example organizing the Junior weekend of last spring and the two week Railway Camp 2011 international youth work camp.
As regular items the meeting approved the 2011 annual report and closing of accounts.