A long time planned 800 m track extension from Jokioinen station along the old unused trackbed to the center of Jokioinen manor area has got its first step forward. Survey has been made on the site and first plans have been made to rebuild the existing unused track and move the end point of the railway closer to area which have more tourism potential. Next phase on the project will be making a contract on track access on government land.
The future track will curve on the left side of the rear building after crossing the Myllytie road. Photo: Jussi Tepponen, 19.9. 2005, Jokioinen.The old storage building of Jokioinen saw mill. The track number one should come on the platform next to the building. The track number two will be on the left and the south switch of the yard where the photographer is standing. Photo: Jussi Tepponen, 19.9. 2005, Jokioinen.