Renovation of the JR 4 Tubize steam locomotive
This is a blog about the complete overhaul and renovation of the JR4 steam locomotive (Tubize 2365/1947) and it boiler at Jokioinen Museum Railway.

On the second half of the 1940's the Jokioinen Railway ordered two new steam locomotives from Belgium to replace the Henschel steam locomotive it lost as a war payment to Soviet Union.
These Tubize locomotives were used at the Jokioinen Railway to haul heavy goods trains until 1969s and until 1951 to pull also the passenger trains. In the 1960 the Jokioinen Railway bought from the Loviisa-Vesijärvi railway three and from the Hyvinkää-Karkkila Railway one Move 21 diesel locomotives. After that the steam locomotives were only used rarely as spare locomotives to replace broken diesel locomotives and winter time to push the snowplow of the railway.
Tubize JR was the first of the two locomotives and also the one in operation until closure of the railway. It was the locomotive to haul the very last goods train of the railway on 29.3.1974. This same locomotive has also been the most important steam locomotive of Jokioinen Museum railway and has been running much more than any other steam locomotive on the railway.
Restoration targets
The aim of the restoration started back in 2012 is to return the locomotive to a technical and operational condition it was when first built. The boiler will be fully renovated, new smoke box will be fabricated, the running gear fully renovated and the locomotive fully painted.
it has gain been long time since last update on this blog. During last year the work got forward together with other work. In July the HKR5 steam locomotive sufferred a broken bearing and in fall the locomotive was repared for its 100th aniversary. In July the steam locomotive LWR6 sufferred damage when its tender burned during a night in the locomotive shed. Luckyly there was no damage to other locomotives or carriages. The locomotive was quickly fixed for the Steam festival but final reparations are still waiting and will be completed in spring 2018.

As what comes to the JR4 renovation the cabin was repared by installing new ceiling and painting parts of the cabin. Also piping for the steam boiler was installed and the new boiler sheets were ordered and recieved. The seeting is now waiting for installation and insulation of the boiler.
During the past summer and autumn the work on Tubize has continued when there has been time for it. Different kind of piping and valves have been installed and boiler prepared for the installation of a sheet metal boiler jacket. TThat installation is scheduled for year 2016.
The 1947 Belgium built ex Jokioinen Railway steam locomotive number 4 passed the hydro test yesterday, representing a a significant milestone in its renovation. Locomotive boiler hydraulic pressure test carried out by an administrative authority, tests the durability of the boiler.
The locomotive passed the test with good marks and the boiler was returned to the boiler to the official register. Now the locomotive boiler restoration work is over and the next step is to install all of reconditioned parts back on the boiler and the rest of the locomotive. The work will continue and the result will be an almost-new steam locomotive. The aim is that the engine number 4 will return to the museum train traffic in spring 2016.
Photos of making super heater elements
Renovation work is progressing rapidly
At the moment work is at the following phase: The steam pipes are installed but no yet isolated. Ashbox and its opening mechanism are completed but not yet painted. The brake levers are installed and the drain pipe of the smokebox is ready.
Next phase is installing the oil pipes of the truck pivots and installation of the side rods. After that the locomotive can be lowered back to its wheels and rails!
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- Established: 26.11.1971